Saturday 20th April, St.George’s Day Parade, Whitton

st-georges-march-portrait-resized-w240 Saturday 20th April sees the annual event of St.George’s Day in Whitton.  Every year this is a fun-filled event and this year I’m sure will be no different.  For those with children there is so much to see and do, just be sure to keep a close eye on them in the crowds 😉

The parade will leave Nelson School at 11am led by the Royal British Legion Youth Marching band and will salute the Mayor of Richmond as it marches down the High Street.

Along with St George and his Dragon, the parade will also include the Junior schools, Whitton Wanderers, Whitton Lions and Wanderers and the Edmundian players. They will be accompanied by Bob the Builder with friends and followed by the Coop dray horses and carriage, London Fire Brigade, military vehicles, scooters and motorbikes.

There will be plenty of entertainment and fun for all of the family throughout the day with children’s rides and slides, traditional games such as ‘hook the duck’ and tombolas for local causes.

Stallholders, including some of the Community Market Stallholders, will be selling cheeses, home made cakes, patisseries and plants plus crafts, clothes, accessories and toys. Many of the shops will also have their own stalls too.

There will be a variety of street food including, burgers, sausages, focaccia, crepes and candy floss, as well as a beer (and soft drinks) tent.

Throughout the day will be street performers and lots of music for all age groups, with disco and also live performances from Big Jim Soul and the Monskeys.

The road will be closed to traffic from 10am to 5.30pm.

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